Info Beasiswa

Melanjutkan studi memerlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Walaupun begitu jangan sampai kendala biaya menjadi alasan untuk tidak melanjutkan studi.  Ada banyak  institusi yang menyediakan beasiswa.  Berikut saya share info beasiswa

info beasiswa
info beasiswa

1. Australia Award Scholarship (
2. LPDP Scholarship (
3. DIKTI Scholarship
a. Dalam Negeri (
b. Luar Negeri (
4. Turkey Government Scholarship (
5. General Cultural Scholarship India (
6. USA Government Scholarship
a. (
b. (
7. Netherland Government Scholarship (
8. Korean Government Scholarship (
9. Belgium Government Scholarship (
10. Israel Government Scholarship (
11. Sciences Po France (
12. Utrecht University Netherland (

13. Prasetya Mulya Business School Indonesia (
14. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarship (
15. Monbugakusho Scholarship Japan (
16. Paramadina University Master Fellowship Indonesia (
17. PPM School of Management Indonesia (
18. University of Twente Netherland (
19. Sweden Government Scholarship (
20. Chinese Government Scholarship (
21. Taiwan Government Scholarship (
22. United Kingdom Government SCholarship (
23. Panasonic Scholarship Japan (
24. Ancora Foundation Scholarship (
25. Asian Public Intellectuals Fellowship Japan (
26. AUN/SEED-Net Scholarship (
27. Art Asia Major Scholarship Korea National University of Arts (
28. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Japan (
29. Seoul National University Korea (
30. DIKTIS Overseas Scholarship (
31. Honjo International Scholarship Foundation Japan (
32. IDB Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (
33. International HIV & Drug Use Fellowship USA (
34. Nitori International Scholarship Foundation Japan (
35. School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia (
36. Inpex Scholarship Foundation Japan
37. Asia University Taiwan (
38. Macquaire University Australia (
Semoga bermanfaat!

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  1. Ini benar-benar artikel yang luar biasa informatif dan bermanfaat. Banyak sekali yang ingin kuliah pun kuliah ke luar negeri tapi minim biaya. Terimakasih sudah sharing terkait informasi beasiswa. Sangat sangat membantu dan bermanfaat

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